January 14, 2019

Security Training Center® Management Update

Welcome to the Security Training Center® Management Update. This newsletter is specifically for security guard operations and training managers. It is short, to the point. Stay appraised of changes to California laws and regulations relating to the security industry.

STC Guard Card Training

New BSIS Initial Application Form

The BSIS released a new edition of the Application for Security Guard Registration. The date stamp in the lower-left corner is 1/2019. There are few changes from the last version, the largest being the update of the governor’s name to Gavin Newsom.

The new application form can be downloaded from the BSIS website:


STC Guard Card Training

Annual Refresher Course: $23.99

Don't forget that the BSIS requires an 8-hours refresher course every year, not just at guard card renewal time. This is for all guards that stand a post. "...a licensee shall annually provide each employee registered pursuant to this chapter with eight hours of specifically dedicated review or practice of security officer skills..." Business and Professions Code Section 7583.6(f)(1).

We have you covered!

Our annual refresher courses are updated annually with new content and meet all of the requirements in BPC 7583.6(f)(1). The cost is only $23.99 per student (online).
