February 28, 2019

Private Security Services Act Summary

Source: Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Security and Investigative Services - Sunset Review Report 2018

The Private Security Services Act regulates private patrol operators and security guards. A private patrol operator is a company that employs security guards and contracts with other persons or businesses to protect persons or property, or to prevent theft. A security guard is not authorized to contract themselves out for private security services unless they also hold a private patrol operator license. Private patrol operators are prohibited from making any investigation except those incidental to the theft or loss of property for a company it has contracted with to provide private security services.

Each private patrol operator licensee must designate a person, who is associated with the license in the BSIS’s records, to serve as the qualified manager. The qualified manager is responsible for managing and directing the day-to-day activities of the licensed business, and may be the licensee, an agent of the licensee (e.g., officer of a corporation), or any other person designated by the licensee to serve in this capacity. The person serving as the qualified manager must meet the experience requirements specified in the Private Security Services Act and pass the private patrol operator licensing exam. Unlike the Alarm Company Act and the Collateral Recovery Act, the Private Security Services Act does not provide for a separate license or certificate for the qualified manager; the qualified manager is simply a qualifier for issuance and maintenance of the private patrol operator license.

The Private Security Services Act also authorizes the private patrol operator licensee, the licensee’s qualified manager, and security guard registrants to obtain a bureau-issued firearm permit under specified conditions, and authorizes security guards to obtain a bureau-issued baton permit under specified conditions. The Private Security Services Act also regulates firearm and baton training facilities and instructors who provide the specified training for applicable BSIS licensees, registrants, and certificate holders to qualify for a BSIS firearms or baton permit. The specific license types are the BSIS firearm training facility certificate, firearm instructor certificate, baton training facility certificate, and baton instructor certificate.

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