California BSIS Part 2, Mandatory and Elective Courses
16-Hours Pre-assignment Guard Card Training Class
Part 2 must be completed after the "Powers to Arrest and WMD" class (Part 1). Combined, Parts 2 and 3 represent the remaining 32-hours of the mandatory 40-hours of training.
Part 2 and Part 3 may be purchased individually or taken as a unit. The course content is identical regardless of the package purchased.
NOTE: The courses must be taken in order.
Overdue Courses
Students have 60-days (2-months) to complete the course. Once a course is marked "Overdue" access to the course is removed, no extensions are given, and no refunds apply.
- Complete this course AFTER completing the Part 1, Powers to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force.
Guard Training Timelines
You may stand post after an eight-hour course and receiving your Guard Card from the State of California. Afterwards, you have 30-days to complete your first sixteen hours of training and then another six months to complete the remaining sixteen hours (for a total of forty hours of training). You may elect to take all forty-hours of Security Guard Card training at one time.
Online Course Completion
Certificate of Completion:
- Certificate of Completion.
Downloadable from the Transcripts page.
Course | Price | Buy | Login |
Part 2 | $31.99 |
Video: About the Part 2 Course.
About the STC Online Guard Card Training Part 2 Course.
Part 2
Part 2 is a 16-hours program. This section familiarizes and instructs the student in basic skills and provides a common body of knowledge in the performance of security guard work delineated by Business and Professions Code Section 7583.6, 7583.7 and portions of Title 16.
This section must be completed within thirty (30)-days from the day the guard's registration card is issued.
Part 2 is comprised of four (4) lessons:
Cost: $31.99
Lesson 3, Public Relations (Community & Customer)
- Recognize and avoid gender and racial harassment
- Recognize and avoid discrimination
- Understand and develop respect of others
- Apply appropriate verbal skills and crisis intervention
- Understand diversity
- Understand the implications of substance abuse and how they apply to workplace security
- Understand the code of ethics and proper code of conduct
- Present a professional appearance and presence
- Complete the Public Relations Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.
- Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
- Verbal Skills and Crisis Intervention
- Substance Abuse
- Ethics and Professionalism
Lesson 4, Observation and Documentation
- Write an effective report
- Take descriptive and useful field notes
- Properly employ all senses in observation
- Conduct an efficient and productive patrol
- Conduct a thorough area search
- Conduct an appropriate interview
- Complete the Observation and Documentation Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.
- Report Writing
- Observation and Patrol Techniques
- Asking Questions and Observing Suspects
Lesson 5, Advanced Arrest, Search & Seizure
- Understand the laws of arrest as they apply to private citizens
- Understand the appropriate use of force
- Understand the differences between detention and arrest
- Understand and define false imprisonment
- Understand and conduct appropriate searches and apply Merchant Privilege
- Understand and define seizure as it applies to private citizens
- Complete the Advanced Arrest, Search & Seizure Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.
- California Penal Codes
- Reasonable Cause versus Probable Cause
- Making an Arrest
- After the Arrest
- Merchant Law, Loss Prevention and Searches
- Exclusionary Rule
- False Imprisonment
- Use of Force in Detention
- Searches
- Frisk
- Evidence
- Use of Force
- Use of Lethal or Deadly Force
Lesson 6, Trespass
- Understand the differences between civil and criminal trespass.
- Understand the Penal Codes regarding trespass.
- Understand the use of force in defense of property.
- Define Conversion, Trespass to Chattel, Trespass to Land, and Loitering.
- Complete the Trespass Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.
- Open Land
- Private Property
- Private Building
- Public Property
- Places of Public Accommodation/Public Access
Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.