Guard Card Training

How much does a California BSIS Armed Guard Card Cost?

Cost Table


Firearms Assessment

Cost Table

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There are four (4) costs to earning a Calfiornia BSIS armed guard card:

  1. Training fees.
  2. Application fees.
  3. Background Check fees. (Live Scan)
  4. Psychological Firearms Assessment. (16pf)

Payee Cost
Initial Training $150
BSIS Application Fees $100
Live Scan $125
Psychological Firearms Assessment. (16pf) $60
Total $435


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Guard Card

Before attenting the exposed firearms training, the applicant must hold a California guard card or show proof of completion of the Part 1 (Power to Arrest/WMD training).


Exposed Firearms Permit applicants must also be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.

Firearms Assessment

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A firearms permit applicant requesting to associate the permit to his/her security guard registration must take and pass an assessment for the purposes of determining if he/she possesses, at the time of the assessment, appropriate judgment, restraint, and self-control to carry a firearm while on duty (Business and Professions Code Sections 7583.23 and 7583.47). NOTE: IF REQUIRED TO TAKE THE ASSESSMENT, BSIS WILL MAIL A LETTER ADVISING YOU TO SCHEDULE AN ASSESSMENT APPOINTMENT WITH INFORMATION ON THE SCHEDULING PROCESS. THE COST OF THE ASSESSMENTIS $60.00 AND IS PAID DIRECTLY TO THE VENDOR ADMINISTERING THE ASSESSMENT.


Security Training Center® was founded in 2003. We have provided affordable online security guard card training classes since 2011. When you take a course with us you join a community of over 100,000 successful private security officers. We are there for our students before, during, and after course completion.

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