Annual Refresher Training Class

$23.99 California BSIS Security Guard Card Renewal Online Class for 2025 (8-hours)

This course supports mobile devices.

This course meets the BSIS continuing education requirement of an additional 8-hours annually pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 7583.6(f) (1).

At the end of the class the student is provided with a Certificate of Completion in compliance with the appearance requirements stated in Title 16, California Code of Regulations, section 643 (b).

Updated for 2025.

Price: $23.99

Overdue Courses

Students have 60-days (2-months) to complete the course. Once a course is marked "Overdue" access to the course is removed, no extensions are given, and no refunds apply.

It is important that guard registrants keep a current and valid address on file with the Bureau at all times to help ensure they receive their renewal notices. The Bureau automatically mails a registrant his/her registration renewal form approximately 90 days before the registration is set to expire to their address of record. By law, a registrant must submit the completed renewal application or coupon at least 60 days prior to expiration to provide the Bureau sufficient time to process the renewal. If a guard does not receive the Bureau-issued renewal coupon, he/she can also submit a completed Security Guard Renewal Application, available on the Bureau's website.

  • Guard Registrations not renewed within 60 days of expiration are canceled and cannot be renewed (BPC Section 7583.20). If you fail to submit your renewal application, regardless of whether or not the Bureau sends you a renewal application, including payment of all required fees, before the 60th day after your registration expires, your registration will be canceled and you will have to apply for a new guard registration. Submission of a renewal application after the registration expires, but before the 60 days has lapsed, requires the payment of a delinquency fee in addition to the renewal fee.

Existing students may

Online Course Completion

Certificates and forms:

  • Certificate of Completion.
    Downloadable from the Transcripts page.
  • Renewal application form.
  • Renewal instruction sheet.

Video: The Security Guard Card Renewal Online course.

About the STC Security Guard Card Renewal Online course.


Public Relations (Community & Customer)


  • Recognize and avoid gender and racial harassment
  • Recognize and avoid discrimination
  • Understand and develop respect of others
  • Apply appropriate verbal skills and crisis intervention
  • Understand diversity
  • Understand the implications of substance abuse and how they apply to workplace security
  • Understand the code of ethics and proper code of conduct
  • Present a professional appearance and presence
  • Complete the Public Relations Final Exam with a 100% score in accordance with regulations.


  1. Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
  2. Verbal Skills and Crisis Intervention
  3. Substance Abuse
  4. Ethics and Professionalism

Use of Force


  • Paraphrase the responsibilities of a private security guard.
  • Interpret the appropriate use of reasonable force.
  • Describe the Use of Force Continuum/Ladder.
  • Explain the use of restraint techniques and their implications.
  • Explain the use of deadly force.
  • Recognize pre-assault indicators.
  • Describe the use of force in property defense.
  • Explain escalation and de-escalation techniques in the use of force.


  1. Use of Force in Effectuating an Arrest
  2. Use of Force in Detention
  3. Use of Force in Defense of Property
  4. Use of Force in Self-Defense
  5. Provoking an Attack
  6. Assault Elements
  7. The Use of Force Ladder
  8. The Conflict Cycle
  9. Use of Lethal Force in Self-Defense
  10. Recognizing and Responding to Pre-Attack Indicators

BPC 7583.6(f)(1)

Information provided on this site is educational. It is not legal advice. Training does not guarantee licensing or employment.